Body fat calculator with measurements
Body fat calculator with measurements

This is a very general formula whose accuracy is questionable. The Parillo Caliper Method for calculating percent body fat is a very simple method using nine skinfold site measurements. Parillo Method / Formula For Calculating Body Fat Percentage Using a Skin Caliper Once the body density is calculated using the equations, the level of percent bodyfat (%BF) is then be determined using the Siri Equation. We provided two equations that give a value for body density from skin fold skin caliper measurements, from the research of Dr. Jackson / Pollack 7 Site Method and 4 Site Method or Calculating Body Fat Percentage Using a Skin Caliper Lower Back - Horizontal fold, directly over the kidneys, and 2 inches to the right of spine.Tricep - Vertical fold, midway between elbow and shoulder.Subscapular - Diagonal fold, directly below shoulder blade.Calf - Vertical fold, inside of leg on largest part of calf.Thigh - Vertical fold, midway between knee cap and top of thigh.Suprailiac - Diagonal fold, directly above iliac crest.Abdominal - Vertical fold, one inch to the right of navel.

body fat calculator with measurements

Bicep - Vertical fold, halfway between shoulder and elbow, directly on bicep.Midaxillary - Horizontal fold, directly below armpit.Chest - Diagonal fold, midway between upper armpit and nipple.


How To Take Your Skin Caliper Skin Fold Measurements For The Different Areas

  • Allow adequate time for skin to regain normal texture and thickness.
  • If your measurements are not within 1 to 2 mm, re-test all measurements.
  • Take at least two measurements at each site.
  • Wait 1 to 2 seconds before reading caliper – do not wait longer.
  • Maintain the pinch while reading the caliper.
  • Position the caliper 1 cm away from thumb and finger, perpendicular to skinfold, and halfway between crest and base of fold.
  • Measurements should be made on the right side of the body.
  • Standard Skin Caliper Body Fat Calculator Procedures

    Body fat calculator with measurements